While You Are Here
Stay in our cabin for your family vacation at the mile high ranch bordering the Big Snowy Mountains in Central Montana. There are many hiking trails, Crystal Lake is only an hour away, historic places abound, and activities in the surrounding areas are close by.
Hike to Beaver Dams, the Sheepherders’ Monuments, Green Pole Canyon, Nudie’s Point, or the Red Spring. You may see white tail and mule deer, elk, bear, mountain lion, grouse, pheasants, porcupines, skunks, coyotes, and many small birds and animals.
You will enjoy gorgeous sunsets, starry cool nights, and quiet dawns. If we are working cattle in the corrals, plowing, making hay, or harvesting grain, you may watch. Snowmobile and cross-country ski from the end of November to the end of March. Learn more about the area at EnjoyLewistown.com and CentralMontana.com
Hunters will find an abundance of game. To learn more about hunting on our ranch, please click here. For information on area hunting visit Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Sit on the porch or out in the pastures to enjoy the peace and quiet of our end of the road ranch. Your pets are welcome.
No matter what you choose to do, you will have a wonderful time on our ranch.